Title: Financing Energy Efficiency Projects: The Case of Italy
Date: March 2022
Description: This 9th Briefing Note provides an overview of the applicable regulatory forces, the market architecture, and policy framework related to the Energy Efficiency (EE) projects in Italy. Compared to some of the other Triple-A case study countries’ governments, the Italian government is recently starting to put more attention in renewables and EE. With the launch of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program in 2020 the EU provided an important number of financial resources to accelerate the growth. Amongst the applicable and relevant laws and regulation, EE policies and tax deductions, as well as National Inventory Report – ISPRA, are described. Details of the Italian market architecture and policy framework are provided, related to Italian subsidy schemes that foster sustainable investments and energy transition, and how these are applied to each of the Triple-A sectors: Buildings, Industry, Transportation, District Energy Networks and Outdoor Lighting.