Title: EEFIG Plenary Meeting 2022
Date: 4 - 5 May 2022
n recent months Europe has been facing high and volatile energy prices, and security of supply concerns. The case for accelerated energy efficiency investments has never been stronger and clearer. The EEFIG plenary 2022 will be a timely opportunity to discuss the contribution of EEFIG and its members to more affordable, secure and sustainable energy in line with the REPowerEU communication and the Fit for 55 package.
Day 1 of the Plenary, on 4 May 09:00-12:30 CET, will be an open access high level event with distinguished keynote speakers on the role of EEFIG and financial institutions in the context of the Fit for 55 package and in delivering the EU climate ambitions. It will present key EEFIG results during 2021 and offer panel debates on Applying the energy efficiency first principle in sustainable finance, Stimulating Demand for Energy Efficiency Investments and Monitoring data on energy efficiency investments & financing.
Day 2 of the Plenary, on 5 May 09:00-13:30 CET, will be an ‘invitation only’ event giving EEFIG members an opportunity to dive deeper into the findings and recommendations of recently completed EEFIG Working Groups, learn about the emerging insights under currently ongoing EEFIG Working Groups and discuss the role of EEFIG and its members in meeting the 2030 goals.
Stay tuned for the full agenda for the event and the online registration link.