Title: Follow-up Triple-A Capacity Building Webinar in Bulgaria
Date: 18 June 2021 | 09.00 CET
After the successful organisation of the Triple-A Capacity Building Webinar in Bulgaria, NTEF organised a follow-up webinar on the 18th June 2021, at 9:00 CET.
This webinar shared the knowledge, methods and tools developed under the Triple-A project, which are highly relevant for financing energy efficiency projects. As a partner of Triple-A project in Bulgaria, NTEF provided an overview of the sources of funding for Energy Efficiency projects, as well as information on the most common models for financing such projects. Innovative models for financing Energy Efficiency projects, already established as good practices worldwide, were presented. The models used for financing Energy Efficiency projects in the Republic of Bulgaria were presented, as well as ideas for new financial mechanisms. The event was participated by 35 investors and financers; energy service companies, construction companies, representatives of municipalities and ministries.
Host(s) / Guest-Speaker(s):
1. Ivaylo Tzekov, NTEF (Host);
2. Galia Vassileva, Energy Efficiency and Renewables Fund (Guest-Speaker);
3. Iva Petkova , Fund for Local Autorities and Governments (Guest-Speaker);
4. Dochka Vassileva, Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria (Guest-Speaker).
More particularly, the topics covered are following:
• Review of available financial instruments that minimize risk and maximize the potential of EE projects.
• Financial instruments for the implementation of EE projects in the Republic of Bulgaria.
• Potential new financial instruments for the Republic of Bulgaria.
The highlights of the webinar will be published soon in a Briefing Note.
Watch the webinar video here.
Stay tuned!