Title: Triple-A Energy Efficiency Investments: Incorporating the Principles of Sustainable Financing and the EU Taxonomy

Date: 26 May 2021 | 11.00 CET

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Energy efficiency finance is considered of outmost importance for the achievement of the EU’s energy and climate objectives. However, it remains a challenge how to identify which investments can foster sustainable growth, while also having the capacity to meet their commitments from the first stages of investments generation.

This was the main focus of the discussion that took place during the Greek Capacity Building Webinar “Triple-A Energy Efficiency Investments: Incorporating the Principles of Sustainable Financing and the EU Taxonomy” which was organised on Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 11.00 CET, by the Horizon2020 project Triple-A: “Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects", supported by Build Back Better Greece.

During the session the following topics were addressed:

  • The EU Taxonomy Regulation, setting the stage and allowing to discuss and compare projects through a uniform language.
  • The Risk and Mitigation strategies to assess potential future investments.
  • An overview of Financial Instruments available that minimise risk and maximize projects potential.

Participants of the discussion:

Dr. Haris Doukas, Associate Professor NTUA, Member of the Steering Committee of TCG

Mr. Ioannis Georgizas, General Manager of the SUSTAINABLE CITY, Triple-A Advisory Board Member

Dr. Nikolaos Kakogiannis, Founder and General Manager of ABEC LP and ResNovae LP

Dr. Chara Karakosta, Triple-A Project Coordinator

Mr. Dimitris Kollias, Development Manager, GREENESCO Energy SA

Dr. Yannis Konsolas, Senior Manager at the Development & Sustainable Banking and Bank Relations Unit of Piraeus Bank

The discussion was moderated by Professor John Psarras (NTUA), Scientific Coordinator of Triple-A Project.

The highlights of the webinar will be published soon in a Briefing Note.

Stay tuned!