Title: Triple A Tools and Methodology linking with Energy Efficiency Financing Mechanisms

Date: 14 June 2021 | 12:00 – 12:45 CET

Duration: 45 min

The Triple-A Capacity Building Webinar in Lithuania was organised on the 14th June 2021 by VIPA. The main aim of the webinar was to familiarise interested stakeholders/participants with the Triple-A Methods and Standardised Triple-A Tools that help in the evaluation of energy efficiency project ideas and the type of projects that could be financed. 

This webinar introduced Standardised Triple-A Tools, how tool users could explore financing for projects and how financing authorities could find attractive investments in the field of energy efficiency. The functionality of the Standardised Triple–A Tool was also presented in a dedicated session, followed by feedback received from participants on the Tools environment and functionalities.