Webinar in Spain

Title: Financing Energy Efficiency Projects

Date:  27 May 2021

Time: 17:00–19:00 ΕEST

The Spanish Triple-A Capacity Building Webinar was organised on the 27 May 2021 at 17:00 - 19:00 EEST.
This webinar shared the knowledge, methods and tools developed under the Triple-A project, which are highly relevant for financing energy efficiency projects. As a representative partner of Triple-A project in Spain, Creara provided an overview of the financing instruments available to minimize risk and maximize investment expectations in energy efficiency projects. This training was free and was participated by 21 investors and financers; energy service companies; real estate agents, construction companies.

Host(s) / Guest-Speaker(s):
1.    Paolo Sonvilla (Creara-Host)
2.    Ruth Domínguez (Creara-Host)
3.    Adrián Cañamares (Creara-Host)
4.    Pedro Luis Espejo (Creara-Host)
5.    Iván Madrigal (EOS Energy-Guest Speaker)
6.    Marc Vives (Granollers Mercat-Guest Speaker)

During the 1:30 h session, the following topics were covered:

1. The EU Taxonomy Regulation and its importance in the comparison of projects and the standardization of investments.
2. Risk mitigation strategies when evaluating investments.
3. An overview of the Financing Instruments available to generate minimum risk and maximum expectations.
4. The presentation of several pilot projects related to Triple-A in Spain.

Stay tuned for the highlights of the webinar!