Title: Facilitating Energy Efficiency Project Financing at an Early Stage: Recommendations from the Triple-A project
Date: Tuesday, 10th of May 2022
Time: 13:00 – 16:30 CET
The Final European Roadshow event of the Horizon 2020 Triple-A Project on “Facilitating Energy Efficiency Project Financing at an Early Stage: Recommendations from the Triple-A project” was successfully held online through MS Teams on the 10th of May 2022. The event focused on Triple-A’s key findings and recommendations, pairing them with European stakeholders’ perspectives, providing an overview and an introduction to the current state of energy efficiency support measures in the Netherlands.
More than 75 participants had the opportunity to learn more about energy efficiency projects’ financing, energy efficiency investments standardised benchmarking, our strategy for exploiting our main outputs and Tools, as well as key recommendations for European countries concerning the mainstreaming process of energy efficiency.
The event is hosted by Dutch Triple-A partners ABN AMRO, one of the leading Dutch Banks & IEECP, an international research institute.
We had the honor the event to be opened by Mr. Robert Swaak (CEO of ABN AMRO), while Prof. John Psarras (NTUA) welcomed the participants on behalf of Triple-A project.
During the 1st session, Triple-A partners provided a good overview of Triple-A contribution to energy efficiency financing, through the presentation of Standardised Triple-A Toolbox, the results of the energy efficiency projects benchmarking and their exploitation, as well as recommendations for policy framework.
The 2nd session was dedicated to the Dutch energy market with presentations by ABN AMRO representatives, talking about key topics of interest to the financing community, project developers and energy sector stakeholders.
In the 3rd session interesting presentations were made by our Advisory Board Members, Leo Bedford - EP Group, Alice Corovessi – INZEB, Csaba de Csiky - EnerSave Capital, while a fruitful discussion followed.
Finally, during the event Triple-A’s sister Horizon 2020 projects E2DRIVER, EEnvest, EN-TRACK, INFINITECH, SMAFIN had the opportunity to present their scope and strategies for the promotion of energy efficiency investments.