Title: Practical use of Web-based Triple A Τools for evaluation of energy efficiency projects in Bulgaria
Date: 16 December 2021
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 CET
Web-based tools for preliminary evaluation of project ideas for energy efficiency, saving time and efforts in forming a portfolio of promising projects
The aim of the webinar is to share the accumulated experience about the web-based “Triple A” tools for evaluation of energy efficiency projects, which are at an early stage of implementation. Attention was also be paid to the possibilities for linking these projects with appropriate financial mechanisms.
This webinar focusds on the following topics:
- Risks to energy efficiency projects and mitigation strategies.
- Online-based Triple-A Tools for evaluating energy efficiency projects (Assess Tool, Agree Tool).
- Linking energy efficiency projects with appropriate funding mechanisms ("Assign" tool).
The webinar was held through the Zoom platform